APPROVED on 04/06/2010

Greenwich Village Historic District

Between Sixth Avenue & Christopher Street

A one-story commercial building built in the 20th century. Application is to install storefront infill, signage and lighting.

This application is closed.  Application approved with modifications on April 6, 2010.

A public hearing on this application was held at the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, April 6th. The Commission approved the application, but asked for modifications to the proposal.

The applicant proposed to construct a wooden storefront, painted green, with French doors. The Commission was approving of all aspects of the proposal, except for the number of gooseneck lights, which they said should be reduced.

1969 Designation Report, published by the Landmarks Preservation Commission when they designated the Greenwich Village Historic District
Site plan.
Existing streetscape.
c. 1940 Tax Photo, NYC Municipal Archives
Existing elevation
Existing elevation close-up
Existing elevation close-up
Proposed elevation
Proposed elevation close-up
Proposed elevation close-up
Proposed elevation close-up
Existing plan
Proposed plan
Proposed section
Proposed column & awning details
Proposed paint